Posted on 21 April 2010. Tags: Family Motherhood and Home, Health Happiness and Wellbeing, Supporting women worldwide
“I’m Laura and I have a great life ahead of me”. This was my induction to the Butterfly Bootcamp presentation. This gorgeous teenager, blonde and vivacious and seemingly full of life, went on to tell all of us in the audience that although her life hadn’t been easy, she was now living with her Nan and if she’s optimistic. She knows now that if gets knocked down again, she can get back up again. This is what Butterfly Boot-camp has taught her.
Then there was Alex, the uber cool brunette who had us all in stitches telling us about how she nearly drowned the canoe, before breaking down on stage and announcing “this is the first time I’ve seen my mum and dad sitting next to each other”; and Emma who said “the thing think I liked most about Butterfly Boot-camp was letting the butterflies go and watching them take flight”. It really meant something to her.
Finally there was Nan, who told us that “at the moment, I have very little. I’m afraid of my own family; I live on my own.” But thanks to Butterfly Bootcamp, Nan also has a new lease on life. She has a new guardian and she’s looking forward to her future.
This is the impact that Jessica Brown and the entire team at Life Changing Experiences, and the
SISTER2sister mentoring program, is having on young women at risk. sphinxx is delighted to be a Butterfly Sponsor of the SISTER2sister program and it’s been our pleasure so far this year to fund two big sister:little sister matches. If you’d like to find out more,
click here to contact LifeChanging Experiences.
So I wonder, in your world and given all your constraints, what is the impact that you’re making and do you think you could challenge your boundaries just a little?