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A sure fire strategy for getting the job, the pay, the support and what you want at work + 5 books to give away

Thankyou to everyone who completed the sphinxx survey on working women this month.  Your feedback regarding pay, promotions and personal sacrifices has been overwhelming – look out for the survey results which will be released this Friday. Reviewing the results, I got thinking that in my career I’ve been lucky enough to have the jobs – and the pay – that I’ve wanted.  Thinking about the 15 years I spent in finance and consulting, and the thousands of people I’ve managed in that time, I’ve become convinced that getting the job, the pay and the support you need is a simple formula.  Follow the formula and you’ll get what you want at work – and probably in life as well.

So what do you need to do?

  1. Create value for your organisation – which may be about selling and creating revenue, or it could mean simply coming up with better, cheaper, faster ways of doing things or ways to stop doing things that cost your organisation money.
  2. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.  I don’t want my team members coming to me to simply tell me what’s wrong; I want them to do some thinking too about how to fix it.  Problem solving skills are a key leadership trait and the first thing most managers look for in determining promotion candidates.
  3. Put your hand up for the tough stuff, such as dealing with customer complaints, stepping up to fill temporary vacancies or cover your boss when she goes on leave, or working on strategic projects.
  4. Show a willingness to stretch and grow your skills.  Read books, articles, websites etc that are relevant to your role or your organisation, and share what you find with your boss and your team.
  5. Manage upwards by communicating regularly, succinctly and before you are asked!  Give your stakeholders regular updates on how you’re progressing with projects and issues that impact them, and run a policy of no surprises so your boss hears about hot topics first hand before they hit the grapevine.  A simple one-paragraph email will suffice – it will make you look good and your boss look even better!
  6. Service your customers and your stakeholders.  This isn’t rocket science – it’s simply a matter of doing what you’re asked to do and following through on anything you say you’ll do.  You can talk the talk, but they won’t really trust you til you walk the walk.
  7. Finally, ask for the promotion, pay rise or what you want.  After you’ve done all of the above, it will be a no-brainer!

Have another idea for how you can get noticed and promoted at work?  Post your comment on the blog and you can win a copy of the book Secrets of Top Business Builders exposed – we have 5 copies to give away.

PS don’t forget to include your email address with your blog comment so we can send you the book!


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