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Are you a senior leader? Want to give back to the community? Can you spare 3 hours to assist a NFP on strategy and operations?

If you’re a senior leader with experience in setting strategy and delivering operational results, I need your help!  I have become aware of a number of not for profit organisations, that could benefit from the collective insights of experienced leaders like you and me.  They need help in setting strategy, solving complex operational issues, and improving their organisational efficiency and effectiveness. So I’ve offered to host a series of boardroom networking events with a difference, designed to make a difference.

The deal is this: you volunteer up to 3 hours to come together in a boardroom forum, where the CEO of a not for profit pitches a strategic challenge to the group.  The participants have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify the strategic issue, before working together to develop a solution and project plan to be implemented by the NFP.

Sound interesting? We need a few more leaders in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne to participate – please drop me a line to register your interest and receive more information.


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