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Communicating with men: thoughts from an expert

Connie Glaser is one of the leading American inter-gender communication professionals. Her website is full of helpful tips and a refreshingly realistic approach to communicating with men. She argues the men and women operate in very different cultures for example she states “…including is just not part of the male culture. They don’t ask to be invited. If they want in, they’ll jump in”.

Glaser argues that women don’t need to conform to the masculine culture but be aware of how it works, and use the strengths of the female cultural behaviours such as intuition to gain respect and success.

One of my favourites I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of at some point at work is how women sell themselves short by using phrases such as.“This might be a stupid question …” , “I’m not really versed about this …” or “You might already know this …” Or, the fact that woman tend to apologize much more frequently than men do.

“Between woman, apology is more of a ritual than it is a literal kind of communication”, says Glaser. “Men look at an apology in terms of hierarchy. If you apologize, you subdue”.


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