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Congratulations to our winner of the Snowgoose Hamper!

We’ve been trying the new “Fruit at Work” 2 week trial, and have loved it. The fruit is perfect, they taste great and they seem to glow invitingly across the office, even in the miserable weather we’re having today in Sydney!

We got some great health tips in the competition for the Snowgoose Hamper, and have awarded the hamper to Karen Stace because it’s a tip every single reader can pick up instantly. Her great tip of a couple of simple stats to prove what we all know about drinking more water (but don’t do enough of) was:

Have more fun & stay healthy by simply drinking more water. Keep those brain cells lush & lively. Astonishingly brain cells are 85% water. Couple of trivia: brain cell function as gorgeous grape or raisin; whilst babies are 80% water the elderly are often as little as 50%. And a simple tonic – squeeze lemon into that water to cleanse body & increase its PH making the body less susceptible to fatigue & illnesses. Love that water.”


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