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Fruit & veg delivered fresh from the Flemington markets to your door

If you live in Sydney, this website will be a GodSend for you! You can place a one-off order as required or set up an automated delivery option and have a huge box full in-season fruit and veg delivered fresh from the markets to your door – all for less than $70. You can also specify anything you particularly do or don’t want, and order extras like free range eggs, nuts, herbs and spices. 

The quality and value is absolutely fabulous with FREE delivery all over Sydney! And best of all, you’ll be able to avoid the supermarket and you don’t even have to be at home when they delivery – they’ll happily leave it for you at a specified location. All you need to do is submit an online order by 4pm the day before you would like the fruit and veg delivered!

More info at


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