Every time a woman breaks into a new role, and makes the historic move to step into a position previously held exclusively by men, women all over the country cheer. When Julia Gillard became Prime Minister, despite the stunning way it occurred or her politics, women all over Australia were cheering, tweeting, status updating, hi-fiving and telling journalists how excited they were.
For any of the women who went to Sydney University, or lived in a college on campus at Uni, the news that Lisa Sutherland, 42 has accepted the role of Master of Wesley College is great news. This article reports the step forward, a step definitely in the right direction for the co-educational college. For those of you not familiar with the story, this is the college that hissed at a young Germaine Greer for having dinner with a male colleague in their men-only dining room.
My favourite quote from the article:
“‘I did not want to become the first female master because they were looking for a female. My view is that the best person should get the job.”
Do you have a great success story like this to share?