At sphinxx we’ve been running a work-life balance series of blogs for the last month. And we’ve had a lot of positive feedback, suggestions and discussions. One of the most interesting has been a comment by Babette, a sphinxx reader. Posted on the blog about the launch of the work-life balance series she wrote:
“I strongly believe we need to change the words “work-life” balance. Maybe life balance would do?? I was fortunate to attend the TEDx conference and while Nigel Marsh spoke eloquently I believe that going to work is part of our lives/life. The phrase work-life balance would suggest that work is not part of our life. Strangely it is and we need to move our mindsets from an “either or” frame to one of inclusion for all the things we do and want to do. Where imbalance occurs, it is often a reflection of our priorities, values and the skills we have in balancing all the things we want included in our lives….. including work.”
It’s a really interesting point, isn’t it? My immediate reaction was that work-life balance is accurate because work is the one element of my life, and the lives of my friends that threatens to swallow the rest of my life if I don’t maintain healthy habits. But Babette makes an excellent point, do we see work and life as either/or options?
Work is a part of my life, which I find challenging, rewarding and usually, a lot of fun. I wouldn’t want to stop working anytime soon. I also don’t want my work to take up all my time, or energy. I want time to be with my family, meet up with friends, look after myself.
So what I really want is life balance, keeping all parts of my life in harmony. What do you think?
Update: In response to your feedback we have re-named our work-life balance section “Life Balance” to celebrate our professional and personal lives as one, and encourage each other to strive for harmony between the two.