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Lucy: A mentoring program that really gives back

As many of you know I’ve been a mentor in the Lucy Mentoring Program this year and last week I attended the closing event for the program for 2009.  Lucy is a great program put together by the NSW Office For Women in partnership with a number of universities and to be honest, I was sad to see the end of it for the year!  

The Lucy Program matches students who have the potential but not necessarily the means to pursue a career in business with businesswomen who act as mentors and host a work experience element.  For many of the mentees, this is the very first opportunity they’ve had to see first hand what the business world is like and so they approach the program with lots of excitement and more than a little trepidation!

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my involvement in the program this year and it’s been an absolute privilige to get to know my two mentees, Barbara and Samantha.  Some of you have met the girls and I’m very lucky that Samantha has chosen to join our team permanently which is just wonderful!

Samantha and Barbara have both really taken the opportunity in their work experience component to throw themselves into the deep end and get involved in some of our current projects and have really shown me a thing or two in the process as well!!

I asked them both what they got out of the program and this is what they had to say:

“The program has dramatically increased my confidence and has taught me that amazing things are possible when you surround yourself with a network of talented and motivated people.”“What I’ve learned is that behind every executive title is a real person who has emotions, a sense of humour, a smile; often it is the role that is more intimidating than the person behind it. This has really improved my confidence going into a conversation with someone I don’t know and will be really helpful in applying for graduate roles.”

I’ve enjoyed myself so much that I’ve already signed up again for the program in 2010 – if you’re interested in being involved as well, you can click here to find out more.


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