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Reinvent yourself in 2010: A new year, a new you

If you’re looking for an edge to take your career to the next
level in 2010, you need to be at the sphinxx Development Days in
February in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney.
With the support of Westpac
Women’s Markets, we’re bringing our sell out development day program to
4 cities next year… and with capacity capped at 120 in each city,
places are already filling fast.  
So if you want to sharpen up your:
with an interactive Q&A session with local leaders who will share
the story of their success and offer advice for you to excel in your
AUTHENTICITY and the Imposter Syndrome, and how you can beat it to be your true authentic self;
NETWORKING and how to capitalise your networks for career advancement;
NEGOTIATION and influencing to get what you want, in work and in life;
FLEXIBILITY for you – a panel discussion with ideas on how you can improve and implement flexible working practices in your workplace;
SEASONAL STYLING with tips to enhance your personal brand;
MEDITATION and emotional resilience tips;
GIVING BACK to bring meaning back to business.
and much much more, you need to register now on the sphinxx events page.


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