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Diversity benefits of a women-run investment bank? Lessons from women in the social economy

My friend Ange sent me through this link to an interesting discussion by a (male) blogger in the UK who suggests there could be a lot to gain from a women-run investment bank.   Rod Schwartz highlights the opportunity the GFC has presented to completely overhaul the financial services sector by introducing more balance in the form of more women leaders… and points advantages and momentum women pioneers have already brought to the  social economy.

He also points to Rwanda, where in the aftermath of its
1994 genocide, women have attained many senior positions and
the majority in Parliament. And more recently, where Iceland
was bankrupted by a set of reckless “cowboys”— women have been given
the political and economic reins. In both cases this was not a planned
or decreed handover; the people merely turned to women to sort out
their mess.”

It’s worth a read: click here to access the blog.


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