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Do other people see what I’m worth?

Everyone wants to know what others are saying about them. And I’m sure most of us have had moments where we know we’re perfect for a role, project, promotion or job but just haven’t had the opportunity spell out why to the people making the decisions. Or maybe you’d just like more offers that enable you to keep developing your strengths.

Penny Burke is speaking at the Ascend May days, with a topic designed to answer this need. Speaking on “Know What You’re Famous For”, Penny will bring her 20 years of experience in marketing and branding to focus on how to promote the elements that make you, your product or service different.

Learn how to combine your substantial skill set with an inspiring emotional promise – the heart of any successful campaign.

And if you think she isn’t serious about making you more successful through self-branding, this is the woman behind the “Milk, Legendary Stuff” campaign that I’m sure you’ll remember made your everyday milk about ten times more attractive.

“Penny has an incredible ability to simplify complex problems into easily digestible parts – getting to the core of an issue and helping to find the most compelling situation”

 – Jim Moser, Managing Director, Clemenger BBDO Sydney


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