Bain & Company has just released a brief titled “Level the playing field: A call for action on gender parity in Australia” outlines key findings in relation to attitudes of men and women towards gender parity. Based on the results of an extensive survey of 1200 members of the Australian business community, the study found that promoting more talented women into senior roles isn’t high enough on managements strategic agenda: although it’s talked about in most sectors, it appears to be more talk than action and outcomes. Other key findings from the survey include:
- 20% of female respondents Vs 50% of male respondents believe that women have equal opportunity to be promoted to senior management or executive positions
- 65% of both men and women see no evidence that their company has made gender parity a visible priority
- 70% of both sexes believe that their company has not committed meaningful resources to gender initiatives
- 88% of women and 67% of men believe that gender equality should be a strategic business imperative
While the study revealed that few Australian women believe their lot is improving, it did go some way towards shattering the stereotype that women don’t desire the top job as much as men: the numbers of men and women aspiring to become company leaders were within a few points of each other.
Click here to read the full survey results… and I’d love to hear what you think of this result.