After my son was born my M.I.L. (who’s career like mine was in the finance industry) gave me a copy of this book with “must read!” instructions. After one-and-a-half chapters I was depressed! Now I guess you know it’s actually a best selling comedy, but it hit a few too many raw nerves for me and was relegated to the back of the bookshelf never to be seen again… until news broke that it’s been made into a movie with SJP as the lead character (for those who have read the book – the location has been changed from London to the USA)…
The movie actually looks fun and I’m sure there’ll be plenty of fundraiser screenings for this one (let me know if you’re organising one) so I’ll no doubt be lining up to see it soon. But spare a thought for Helena Morrissey who seems to be the real hero of the “I don’t know how she does it!” catch cry: 20 years ago, she was the only female on a team with 16 male bond fund traders at Schroders Investment Management in the City, London’s financial trading district and had just returned from her first maternity leave when her boss passed her over for a promotion, saying he doubted her job commitment. To reference the wise philosophy of Pretty Woman… BIG MISTAKE!
Now 45, Morrissey remains one of the City’s few female CEOs. She oversees 47.2 billion pounds ($76 billion) and almost 400 employees after boosting Newton’s business in the U.K. and expanding in the U.S. As to her previous manager’s contention that child rearing might sap her work commitment, Morrissey has gone on to have eight more children, for a total of nine. They range from age 2 to 19, and seven of them still live at home. Now to that I say… I really don’t know how she does it! (and WOW!)
And here’s sneak peak of the movie trailer for those of you needing some light relief today…