Three down, and one to go! The Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide Ascend development days have been full of energy, ideas and advice – every woman I’ve spoken with on the day or has emailed me afterward has terrific plans for continuing their personal and professional growth they started on the day. I am looking forward toMelbourne to hear what you ladies have to say about Rethinking Your Approach and to share with you the fabulous speakers who have so inspired Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane.
There are still a few places, and registrations are still streaming in so don’t miss out – register now!
For a bit of a preview of the buzz you’ll get, this is what some of our attendees have said so far:
“It was an amazing day and I left feeling truly inspired and with motivation levels higher than I’ve felt in months. There was a lovely vibe in the room and every speaker was of such a high calibre. How can you possibly top this in August?” Sydney Ascend, Head of Channel Development
“I was at a big low, personally and professionally, when I came along and I was really starving for some perspective. I really needed this type of day and all the sessions really delivered for me on many different levels. You have kinda saved me a bit – or helped me save myself which is probably better! So, thank you – to you, your staff and to your presenters. If there is a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women there should be rich and deep rewards for those that do.” Adelaide Ascend, Program Manager
“I thought that the day was well presented and the selection of speakers were interesting and inspiring. It is a great networking opportunity and the chance to meet other women in management.” Brisbane Ascend, Executive Manager
“Thank you – a stellar day spent with some great funny interesting women. I have thought of little else since I walked out the door yesterday, and I have already put things into action at my work as a result. Brilliant.” Brisbane Ascend, Knowledge Management Support Supervisor.