Parenting and work – and how to combine the two – are critical issues for our communities. Since launching the Make Care Fair petition three years ago, a lot has changed in the world of childcare, paid parental leave and the needs of parents. And given the election that has been called in Australia on September 14, we would love to understand your CURRENT views:
- Is finding affordable, quality childcare an issue for you, your family or colleagues?
- Do you need help with out of school hours care?
- Have you benefited from paid parental leave?
- Should the Government be extending the education system to include early learning programs for preschool aged children?
- Do stay at home parents need more support with child care?
I will gladly raise these issues again with the media and representatives of the Government and Opposition in the lead up to the election, but I need your help first in completing a short survey here.
It’s very brief and simple to do – just tick a few boxes and your done. There’s also space to submit additional comments or thoughts if you wish.
It would be really helpful if you could also forward this request on to five people you know – the more responses we get, the more newsworthy the results will be. And that means the more likely we are to get the pollies’ attention. Thanks in advance for your participation.