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Plant the seed… and see what happens.

Last October I wrote a post on “planting the seed”:

It’s no secret that I’m no domestic goddess.  It’s not that I wouldn’t like a Better home and garden; it just doesn’t rate high enough in my priorities.  But around this time of year, for a very brief moment, instinct kicks in and from no-where comes an urge to spring clean.

So on the weekend I discovered all manner of things that had been stashed, stowed and stored away behind closed doors til I “found the time” to deal with them.  The booty included several packets of flower seeds I had bought intending to plant last spring!  I was weighing up whether to plant them or not when my neighbour dropped in.  His comment?  “You might as well, they’ll have more chance of growing in the ground than in the packet”.

Good point.  And what’s the point?  Well, perhaps you have business cards that stay in your purse when you’re at networking events (or worse still back in the office on your desk!)  Or perhaps you’ve been sitting on a great idea or initiative, but you’ve never planted the seed in your workplace to allow it to grow and bear fruit.  You know what you should do, but you just don’t make it happen.

Truth is you can hold onto your seeds, but they won’t do you much good til you sow them, water them and nurture them to maturity.  Only then will you have the chance to celebrate the harvest.

You can only reap what you sow.

Well at that time, I planted the seeds.  I watered them and I watched them grow.  This week I picked the flowers – all different colours and perfumes.  It was a good feeling.

How are you going with your harvesting?


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