If you have a work-life balance tip you want to share, now is the time… For the month of June, every work-life balance tip posted in the comments box below earns you a block of Cocolo chocolate! Because it’s winter, it’s getting cold and Cocolo chocolate is delicious.
So if you have an event to add to our free/cheap event blogs or you went and can provide a review, or if you have a particular activity you do to relax, a ratio you apply to your “free time”, a great location to take your family too, a favourite bar or wine you and your girlfriends unwind with, a personal mantra, an effective way to ask for time off, a great approach to actually going on holidays and not checking your emails, or anything you know that’s helped you improve your (or a friend’s) work-life balance, share it here.
Not only will you get a luxe block of chocolate for free, you’ll also be helping hundred of fellow women striving for balance. What could 2 minute activity could feel better?
Make sure you include your email with your comment, it wont be published on the site with your comment but it will enable us to contact you to get your address to get your chockie to you.