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Step Beyond Your Limitations

Most of you who attended the Ascend series in February this year will remember Suzanne Mercier who spoke on a fabulous topic, the Imposter Syndrome. Have you ever wondered why you’re not more successful, why you aren’t satisfied with your achievements, why you seem to work header than everyone else to achieve the same outcomes, why you ignore compliments and place greater importance on criticism, why you aren’t happier with where you are in life, why your relationships don’t last or why you aren’t any closer to achieving your dreams than you were when you first defined them? Then chances are, you’re suffering from the Imposter Syndrome.

Suzanne has produced a 10-session DVD programme available now in the sphinxx online shop to help you better understand the syndrome and to develop strategies for you to move past Imposterhood. I think this syndrome resonates with more people than you might realise and if it rings true for you, click here – to purchasethe DVD, Step Beyond Your Limitations and tackle those lingering issues once and for all.


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