Tag Archive | "Sexual discrimination"

MamaMia you’ve let us down

Disappointed.  That’s how I describe my reaction to Mia Freedman’s blog post saying how awkward it was for her to report on Mark McInnes’ inappropriate behaviour as CEO of DJ’s.  On her MamaMia blog, Freedman acknowledged what McInnes did was wrong, but also notes she had declined initially to respond on the basis that McInnes […]

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Worried that your company is rife with gender stereotypes, and it’s damaging your results? Online risk assessment toolkit for gender stereotypes.

Gender stereotypes are much more prevalent then many employers would like to think – I could write a gender stereotype War and Peace of the stories I’ve heard from both the women who are discriminated against (or suspect they are) and the employers who have been shocked to realize what was going on int their […]

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Guest blog by Morningstar Managing Editor, Julia Newbould – We’re not changing attitudes just behaviour

“Don’t set out to change attitudes, set out to change behaviour,” Catherine Fox told a group of Finsia lunch attendees in Sydney last week. Changing attitudes is a hard slog and could take generations but changing behaviour is something manageable and is still possible to achieve in my working life. There were a lot of […]

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Air traffic controllers shine light on sexual harassment and workplace bullying – how all employers must respond

News today that two air traffic controllers are seeking damages from their government-owned employer, Airservices Australia, for alleged workplace discrimination and bullying from male colleagues is further reinforcement that we have a long way to go in stemming such destructive workplace practices. Inappropriate behaviours reported by the women who are long serving employees include the […]

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Nice Girls can’t/don’t negotiate? The costs of negotiating

I sent a copy of this article out to our sphinxx members at the beginning of the year, but I honestly think it should be read by all working women so I have decided to post a link to it here. Women lose money when they don’t negotiate. But what are the costs? Whitney Johnson explores a range of […]

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Australia gender diversity coming up for international scrutiny at the UN this week

Big news for our international gender reputation: Australia will be reviewed by the UN’s division for the Advancement of Women next week in New York, and Elizabeth Broderick says Australia has been doing “exceptionally well” in many areas. Whilst I’d be amongst the last person to say we’ve done enough lets pack up and go […]

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