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The ASX gender reporting guidelines: what it means for every employer and women in business

On Tuesday I delivered a presentation to the CPA Business Women’s network in Sydney on the ASX guidelines and what it means for the War for Female Talent that is really hotting up.  I believe that 2011 is shaping up to be a big year for women in business: the new ASX guidelines require companies to report on gender diversity in executive roles and board positions; Australia’s first universal paid parental leave scheme commences; and 8th March will mark 100 years of International Women’s Day.  Together these events are creating a “perfect storm” of opportunity for women in business.

The result will be unprecedented demand for skilled women, and whether you like it or not, this will affect every business (yes, that means your business too!) So for employers, the focus as we enter the perfect storm should be on recruiting AS WELL AS retention, as I’m already hearing stories of top women being poached across Australia to kickstart the momentum in organisations looking to lead with women in 2011.

For women, it means opportunity – so how will you make the most of it?  This presentation doesn’t focus so much on that, although there is a checklist at the end of the slides for those who are interested.

You can click here to access the slide show, and if you’d like me to present on this topic at your network or workplace, just drop me a line and we’ll get it booked in.


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