‘There’s insight and inspiration here on page after page. For women readers, the breadth of shared experiences must surely be a comfort. For men, it’s more of an unveiling; a privileged glimpse into the secret corners of these incredible women’s lives. A worthy cause and a terrific read.’ – Greg Barton, Editor, Australian Traveller Magazine
Isn’t it wonderful when you read something that just makes you feel inspired, touched and proud, all at the same time?
The Modern Women’s Anthology is a literary project that has chapters from 20 very different Australian women. I contributed one, and so have Australian athletic hero Cathy Freeman, award-winning children’s author Libby Hathorn, chairman and executive director of Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation Dr Gene Sherman, Australian Local Hero & Oz Harvest Founder (2010) Ronni Kahn (also a May Ascend Speaker) just to name a few. Reading the contributions by so many Australian women from such a variety of walks of life fired up parts of my brain I haven’t used for ages.
The Modern Women’s Anthology raises money for mental health, and raises the spirits of its readers. I can’t recommend a book more. Get it here. And if you’d like to come with me and meet some of the other authors and other inspirational women you can attend the pre-launch lunch.