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The Perfect Gift for a Man

OK this is not normally a heading you’d expect to find on the sphinxx
site… but it’s a terrific project that my good friend Scott Middleton
has been a contributor to. The Perfect Gift for a Man – 30 Stories about
Reinventing Manhood

is a book which aims to get men talking about their feelings and stories about
their own transition to manhood, in a bid to hep prevent male suicide  (In
Australia, young men commit suicide at more than three times the rate of women
of the same age and mental illness and drug and alcohol dependency is severely
affecting men aged 16-24).
I figure getting men talking about their feelings could be a great thing
for many of our colleagues too… would certainly create more female-friendly
If you’re the mum of a teenage boy, I couldn’t think of a better
resource…   I think I’ll order a copy for my nephew… I only hope he’ll find
the time to read it!!


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