Save $700 on Women on Boards conference – the “must attend” board event for 2011

Are you thinking of joining a board this year?  Or already on one?  Then you will benefit from attending the 2011 “Gender Matters” conference being run by Women on Boards in April this year.  sphinxx is again organizing agroup booking to enable sphinxx readers to receive a $700 discount on the public registration price. This is one event that […]

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Today’s posts are all for you: freebies, offers & discounts just for you starting with 3 copies of “Property Millionaire” to give away – learn how ordinary Aussies are building millions through property

With thanks to Jo Chivers, Director of Property Bloom and co-author of Property Millionaire we have 3 copies of Property Millionaire to give away.  If you’re already a property investor or have been considering taking the step, this book offers terrific insights into the success of 16 ordinary Aussies who’ve become extraordinary property investors. —————————————- “When I decided to invest in […]

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$100 off The Body & Mind Corporate wellbeing workshop – find out if your work is making you sick and strategies to build your resilience

On 16th March 2011 Macquarie University’s Faculty of Business and Economics and iConneXX Pty Ltd are bringing together a blend of business, law, risk management, psychology and health experts at the inaugural The Body & Mind Corporate, a strategic workshop to explore the serious psychological and physical health conditions that executive women are experiencing. Experts such […]

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Free 2 pack CD offer – Writing for Busy People – How to write books, blogs, eBooks and articles with Robyn Henderson

Some of you know Robyn Henderson as the networking guru and have seen her in action at our own Ascend series in 2010 however you may not be aware that she is also a prolific author and publisher.  This year she is sharing her writing expertise with the network. If you would like to learn […]

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Women Presenting Powerfully Masterclass 2011 – new dates in 6 cities starting with PERTH on 3 March

Would you like to make a stronger impact in presentations?   Executive Central’s Women Presenting Powerfully Masterclass will give you the toolkit and the confidence to make an IMPACT!  This one-day Masterclass is aimed at women who have to present and persuade others in higher stake situations e.g. before an audience, in boardroom style meetings, team or client […]

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$100 off business support coaching packages for women running or starting their own business – til March 8

If you are running your own business – or thinking of starting one – you will qualify for the special sphinxx discount of $100 on business coaching packages with sphinxx SheEO Jen Dalitz – until 8th March only. Would you benefit from a business advisor to bounce ideas off? Want a professional voice of reason to […]

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