Tag Archive | "leadership"

My Jack Of Diamonds and my commitment for 2015

Jack Of Diamonds is the final chapter of my favorite storyteller, Bryce Courtenay. It was my book of choice back in July on a family getaway: life doesn’t get much better than a day spent relaxing by a pool, immersed in a great tale. Over the years it’s been an annual ritual to be swept […]

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Run Like A Girl? My a-ha moment and leading like a girl, in my new CEO role

For the past three years I’ve been contemplating my next career move: what direction should I take, on which path, for what end? I’ve tied myself in knots trying to figure it out. And I could never have imagined my a-ha moment would come from an innocent conversation between two five-year-old boys. Yet in that […]

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A gentle message on life, leadership and one wonderful woman

Yesterday as I was driving across town from one appointment to another, busy as a bee, the Inner Circle came across the airwaves of my car radio. For a few short minutes I was transfixed by the quietly spoken message of Rev. Graham Long, Pastor and CEO of The Wayside Chapel in Sydney’s Kings Cross. […]

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Can confidence be learned just like any other skill, and do you need to?

Would you describe yourself as a confident person? Is confidence something you think about in relation to your career? Or have you ever been encouraged to be just that bit more confident? One of the most frequent pieces of “advice” I’ve seen dished out to businesswomen is to be more confident.   I’m not sure if […]

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The critical role of empathy in life, leadership, business and our community

For several reasons, I do my best to keep away from the news. Over the past week that’s been pretty difficult and no doubt you’ve experienced your own personal response to the MH17 disaster. We tend to hope these events are once in a lifetime; still that doesn’t make it any less distressing. My unhinging […]

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The wisdom in working together – the chimps, the champions and the women pioneers

If you asked me, as a child, what I wanted to be as a “grown up” I probably would have said a teacher or a librarian. It made sense, I’d usually be found with my head buried in a book, and I loved my time at school. But had I known about the work of […]

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