Tag Archive | "Management and Leadership"

How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose – how to gain ‘share of heart’, not just share of wallet

        In Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose (Wharton School Publishing), authors Raj Sisodia, Jag Sheth and David Wolfe suggest that the best firms in today’s marketplace are those that deliver emotional, experiential and social value to all their stakeholders, from customers and partners to investors and society. […]

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Will You Help or Heave Underperformers? This HBR article offers practical advice on addressing underperformers

Finding and replacing underperforming key managers is an arduous and time-consuming task, but you can’t tolerate underperformance. In making the choice whether to keep an underperforming manager, you owe it to yourself, your organization, and the manager in question to take at least one shot at diagnosing and addressing the underlying causes of unsatisfactory performance, […]

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What does work-life balance mean to you and would you give something up to get it?

I’m curious to know: what does work-life balance mean to you?  Is it important, a nice to have or a must have?  Is it something you value enough to forego something else – like promotional prospects or pay?   I got thinking about this after reading an article in the Australian Financial Review a couple of […]

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Bringing Best Practice to China – As the country merges into the world economy, best practice in China will become best practice globally

Unique practices developed to enter the market will no longer suffice in China’s increasingly competitive environment, particularly if Chinese operations are held to lower performance standards. Instead, multinationals must lead with their strength: world-class processes honed over many years in established markets and adapted to Chinese realities. Click here to read the full article

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HBR Podcast – Managing B Players

Not everyone in your team can be a high flyer. This is a great podcast that outlines the difference between A players and B players and how to manage the latter effectively. Click here to listen

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HBR: A Year of Management Ideas on CD

    HBR has compiled all of the 2008 HBR articles on one searchable compact disc — a full year’s worth of articles from the world’s foremost management experts, and the Readers Guide indexes by topic and author. This year the expanded package includes a handy print index of articles with brief summaries. For only $49.95, […]

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