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A pictorial reminder of just how amazing women are… and a challenge to remember what you are capable of…

So I woke up this morning with Master 3 in the bed and my NiceGuy beagle too (ok, I know Wendy Harmer says I shouldn’t let dogs sleep in my bed, and every parenting expert says I shouldn’t let my son sleep in my bed, and anyone else would say the two together is out of the question… but with these two, old habits die hard…)



… anyhow my smile at the serenity of my sleeping boys soon fades away as I’m  confronted by this image on on my favorite iPad app:




Does this sort of story shock you? It does me.  Can you imagine being the mother of 3-month-old Khan Mohammad who froze to death in this Kabul refugee camp?  I just can’t imagine what keeps these women going…

Then I remember that I’m frequently amazed at the strength of the women I come across, even those who don’t see themselves as doing anything out of the ordinary but who somehow managed to achieve amazing things.  Like Nobel Peace prize winners… any even more ordinary women like our sisters and colleagues and friends and bosses…

And then I go to my email inbox and I see a message from my friend Robyn Henderson who I’m sure you all know as the networking guru, and her message to me is this:


I know that you know that women are indeed amazing, and we’re strong and capable and can be anything or anyone we choose to be… and I also know we need the occasional reminder…

So I hope that wherever you are reading this today, you will take a moment to realise how amazing and fortunate you are and remember what you are capable of achieving in your own right…

And maybe share your thoughts here on the blog about an amazing woman that you know…


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