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Anyone who wishes to pursue a leadership role – male or female – in the public sector should bookmark Sue Vardon’s excellent website

We have a lot of sphinxx members and readers who work in the public sector. There are many sites full of business resources, articles and international news, and I would like to introduce you ladies working in the public sector toPublic Sector Women, a much needed and very useful website.

If you attended Adelaide May Ascend, you would have seen the legendary Sue Vardon in action. Imagine her level of  clarity, focus, energy and acumen creating and harnessing together resources for women working in an industry she has known for decades. She is the editor of this site and plans to continue to share her depth of knowledge through the website.

Designed as a “practical place for public sector women to exchange ideas”, the site hosts blogs on topics such as “Blaming the public service”, “How to network in a male dominated environment”, “Writing for government”, “Multitaskers may be falling behind”. The site also is a great place to stay on top of articles that are published in Australia that relate to women in the public sector.

If you work in the public sector, I can’t recommend a better industry-specific support site more. I am looking forward to following Public Sector Women, and I’m sure will be posting links to their blogs and articles on the sphinxx site in the future.


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