In last week’s celebration of the centenary of International Women’s Day, I heard a lot of comments from men and women about why we even need a day to reflect on the contribution that women make to our community, workplaces and economies. I listened patiently to the satirical talkback on ABC radio mocking the call for quotas on boards; I listened as men muttered “what do they want now?” and I lamented when women said “I don’t need special treatment, I can do it on my own”. Really?
Are we really equal? Not by a long shot. Because in Australia today women still participate less in the workforce, are punished on the pay scales just for being a woman to the tune of 18 cents less in every dollar than men earn and even more for women who work part time and are more likely to retire in poverty than men. All around the world women face challenges in the workplace unknown to men, perform the majority of unpaid work and take on the lion’s share of domestic responsibilities even if they do work, and – sadly – still fear for their safety.
So are we really equal? As this fantastic clip suggests… until the answer is yes, we must never stop asking. (and thanks go to Fiona Shand for sharing) It’s definitely worth a look…