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Do 90 percent of women still change their name on marriage?

In this post on Hoopla today, Lisa Linton shared her experiences in being a married woman who has retained her maiden name.  As someone who has done the same (for many of the usual reasons mentioned in her article), it was bound to get my attention.  But it was the comment that “that (there) is this unspoken pressure (whether we put it on ourselves or not)
that prompts 90 percent of marrying women to change their name to their
” Linton reckons that “while we strive for equality in the workplace and kitchen, it
seems the last thing to change is this archaic tradition.”

Is that right?  Do 90% of women still change their names?  Sure, that was most certainly the case for my mum’s generation, but I really thought we’d progressed a long way from that…

What’s your take?  If you’re married, did you change your name? What if you divorced? What if you had kids?

Just curious, that’s all!


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