I really would love to make a difference to the world. Specifically I do want to see women equally represented in leadership roles, in our workplaces and communities. I’m not sure why I’m so obsessed with this, and sometimes I wish I weren’t because I made a lot more money when I just had a regular day job! But I believe if I keep chipping away it just might make a difference. Sometimes though I sit in an audience and hear someone tell their story, or read a biography, or watched a TED clip and think “wow! compared to them, what difference can I make…” I’m not someone famous, nothing spectacularly amazing or – conversely – awful has happened in my life and perhaps never will. So what difference could someone as ordinary as me make to the world?
When I start thinking this way I go looking for inspiration. I do small things. I lend a helping hand. I voice my opinion. This piece in The Daily Telegraph last Saturday is one of them – if as a society we can’t get simple issues like this sorted, women will always be outnumbered in senior roles.
This TED clip is my inspiration for the week and I know you’ll love it too: one woman telling the story of her father, who just “did what he could do” and saved thousands of lives in the process. I watched this and felt so energised that I immediately added 3 more priority actions to my to do list. Hope it has the same effect on you… Enjoy!