Last week I asked to participate in a panel discussion on Lateline Business (ABC1) on the current economic climate and the challenges for small business and women in business. You can view what I had to say here:
I’m often asked how I manage to get this sort of media coverage – and I think that like most aspects of business, it’s all about relationship building. In relation to my various appearances on ABC TV this year, it all stemmed from one short grab recorded at a women’s leadership event over a year ago. Since then I’ve stayed in touch with the journo and helped him out on 3 separate stories he’s been running. My tips for building a successful 2-way relationship with the media?
1. Be available. Journalists work with deadlines and you need to fit in to their schedule. This may mean you need to reshuffle your schedule, buy hey – how else would you get this sort of exposure, for free?
2. Understand their needs. Ask them if they have a particular angle they’re looking for you to address. Never, ever lie – but it’s about telling your story from the perspective that will fit their brief.
3. Be a connector. If I’m contacted by a journalist, and the story or deadline just isn’t a fit with me, I do my best to recommend someone else I know will be just right. If I do this well, they’ll be more likely contact me again in the future, and so it’s a win-win for everyone.
I hope this helps… and I definitely encourage you to investigate how you can build relationships with the media to help get your message and your brand out there in front of your customers.