Some boots are made for walking – right into a top professional job, writes Marsha Jacobs in “Kick through that glass Ceiling” in the Australian Financial Review on 2/5/08. Apparently Australia’s leading business newspaper has finally realised it’s readership includes executive women – who have plenty of money to spend on Jimmy Choo shoes!
I can just imagine the reaction of men reading the article and choking on the $1000 price tag of a pair of Jimmy Choos, which have just come to Australia courtesy of Luxtralia, which owns the brand here.
I say “At last!” An article in the AFR that appeals to working women and our interests outside of work – a welcome pleasure from the usual blokey-ness of the AFR.
Around the country today, men will be analyzing their favourite team’s scoreboard from the weekend sports and either celebrating or lamenting their tipping results. Many women, on the other hand, will be showing off the spoils of their shoe shopping successes.
Long live the sling back!