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Life Balance Series: Free opportunities in Melbourne to improve work-life balance

Sometimes the easiest way to get better work-life balance is to commit yourself (and your family, friends or partners) to attending stand out events you know you’ll want to go to even if you’re tired.

I found a couple of great free or chap events and offers in Melbourne in late May and June, so you have enough time to plan to get there, and they all offer different enjoyment or personal growth benefits.

So in the interests of working and living well, pick an event! Let us know how it is once you’ve gone in the comment section.

Free movies at the Docklands Waterfront City Docklands: 7pm each Monday and Saturday throughout June
Monday Nights: “The Classics” such as Casablanca (31st May), My Fair Lady (7th June) and Citizen Kane (17th June).
Saturday Nights: “Hollywood’s best” such as Mona Lisa Smile  (5th June), You Got Served (12th June) and Julia and Julia (19th June).

Big Red Book Fair: 19th – 20th June
Huge book fair for very cheap prices – hunt down that book you’ve wanted to read for ages or see what takes your fancy.

Fresh Science at the Pub: 7th June, 6.45pm
Hear from 16 of Australia’s top young scientists about their exciting research, and grab a drink and dinner. They will be challenged to share their thoughts in “rhyme, reason or verse”.

The Mind Body Spirit Festival Weekend: 11th – 14th June
Mind Body Spirit Festival is only $16 per adult, and includes a range of great rebalancing opportunities including free yoga classes and free seminars on a range of topics. This event will set you up to continue yoga, meditation and a range of other balancing activities. And if you have to take your kids with you, children under 14 get in free. 


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