Yesterday I was interviewed by Andrew Roberston, senior reporter for Lateline business, about the lack of progress for women aspiring to leadership roles. You can access the interview here.
The point that I think is important to understand when it comes to women in leadership is that serious change requires an element of risk taking – and I believe we’re not seeing enough appetite for risk by big business when it comes to advancing women into senior roles in Australia. Prior to founding sphinxx I spent years working as a change manager and what I know for sure is that the safe option won’t get you to step change – which is what we need in Australia to see the potential of women realized and serious representation by women in leadership ranks.
The Lateline report is a good one – with excellent comments from Nancy Fox who confirms the HBR position that Men Still Get More Promotions than Women because they’re able to secure sponsors more readily.
Have a look at the clip and let me know – what’s your take and why aren’t we making progress when it comes to advancing women into leadership ranks?