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UN Women Australia – cast your vote to drive equality and change for women and girls

If you are a member of UN Women Australia, now is the time to vote for incoming board directors, and I would greatly appreciate if you would consider supporting my nomination by voting for me.  (And if you’re not a member of UN Women, I strongly encourage you to support their work promoting women’s human rights, political participation and economic security by becoming a member – click here for more info)

I see UN Women as a great fit for my passion to support the advancement of women and children and I also bring skills that UN Women has specifically sought out in its call for nominations, namely:
– Experience in managing growth and change within small-medium organisations
– Understanding of governance in small non-profit organisations
– Understanding of gender equality and the importance of women’s empowerment to achieving development
– Experience in fundraising and resource mobilization
– Experience in developing strategic communications strategies.

I would really appreciate your support and members can vote by downloading the ballot form here and returning it to UN Women by Monday 29th October 2012.

Below is a summary of my candidate statement, and you can download other candidate statements here.  This information is also available in the email sent by Cassandra Rose to UN Women Australia members on 11th October 2012.

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Jennifer Dalitz – candidate statement

I would like to nominate as a Director of UN Women. My passion for the empowerment of women and gender equality is well known and regarded, as over the past six years I have been writing and speaking about this internationally. My blog has developed a strong following of readers with over 50,000 page views per month, and my commentary regularly features across mainstream media. In 2010 I was invited by the Minister for Women to deliver a keynote presentation at the Women’s Summit in Malaysia and I represented Australia in a BBC global debate on the advancement of women and the Millennium Goals. In 2011, I co-founded the childcare lobby group, Make Care Fair to raise awareness of the challenges Australian families face in securing quality, affordable childcare; and in 2012 my expertise was recognised with selection on CPA Australia’s 40 Young Business Leaders list.

I am an experienced company director and a graduate of the AICD Company Directors Course. I currently chair an educational foundation, Peer Support Australia (, and hence am fully versed in the governance obligations of non-profit organizations.

I am a Certified Practicing Accountant with strong business acumen, and throughout my 20 year career in management consulting and finance I have developed deep expertise in setting and implementing business strategy. I have personally led teams and organizations through the processes and steps involved to manage growth and change effectively, and in communicating the impacts effectively with all stakeholders.
I have worked with organizations from broad industry sectors and geographies, and have personally led two start up businesses so fully appreciate the machinations of small organizations as well as large.
My broad experiences will bring skills and capability to the UN Women board, along with an energy, commitment and passion for driving change and giving women and girls every opportunity to lead safe, fulfilling and rewarding lives.
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About the Voting Process – as communicated by Cassandra Rose to members of UN Women by email on 11th October:
Members of UN Women can use the attached ballot form to vote – click here to download the form.

This year, there are two (2) vacancies for elected Board Members.  Each Board Member elected will serve a term of three years, with the opportunity to be elected for a second term.  All current financial members of UN Women Australia at the time that nominations closed on 28 September 2012 are eligible to vote in the election.  Voting will be conducted by post and votes must be received by the National Office by 5pm AEDT Monday 29th October 2012.

Each candidate has submitted a 350 word statement addressing the selection criteria identified by the National Board.  Candidate statements have been included in this voting pack listed in alphabetical order by surname.

In accordance with the ACT Electoral Commission guidelines for non-profit organisations, UN Women Australia uses a first past the post voting system and, as such, a single (1) tick or cross is to be placed in the box alongside the two (2) candidates whom you would like to be elected.  The ballot papers are counted for each candidate and the two candidates receiving the most votes will be deemed to be elected.  In the event of an equal number of votes, the Returning Officer deems the outcome of the election by lot.

Please place a single (1) tick or cross next to the two (2) candidates you wish to vote for and return the ballot form to UN Women Australia by 5pm AEDT Monday 29th October.  Ballots can be retuned via post, or scanned and emailed to

To allow for elected members to attend the AGM, the Returning Officer may make successful candidates aware of the outcome of the election prior to the AGM.  At the AGM the results of the election will be formally announced.

If you require any further information about the AGM or the voting process, please do not hesitate to contact the UN Women National Office on 02 6173 3222.


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