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Violence against women Pt2. – Recognising and reconciling the abuses and suffering of our stolen generations

Imagine being taken from your mother when you are two years old (or for parents reading this, having your child taken from you at age 2)… being “re-homed” in a Government or religious institution where you learn the skills to be a house servant.  This will become your occupation from age 9, except that it’s no ordinary job: in your role as a domestic servant you will be raped and beaten by the master of the house; ignored by the mistress of the house; and treated as a second class citizen by the children of the house.

At an age that should be the time of your life, you are existing in a misery that is absolutely unfathomable and certainly unforgiveable.

Sound like fiction?  Sadly not, as has been uncovered in the very first courageous edition of the Anne Summers Report.  Every Australia needs to read about this – even if it reduces you to tears, we must honor these victims of abuse by understanding their story. It’s a story repeated In so many chapters of Australia’s short history.

Go on, give it a read here.

Once you’ve read it I’m sure you’ll be left with the same questions as me:  What on earth were our policy makers thinking?  Should the institutions be brought to account now, via the Royal Commission, or is it just too late to achieve much at all?  And could you ever get over an experience like this to live a normal, happy and fulfilling life?

Those of you who have followed the work of Anne Summers, one of Australia’s finest literary legends and feminists, will not be surprised that the new Anne Summers Report pulls no punches in lifting the lift on this unspeakable history of violence towards the stolen generations of women.  Thanks, Anne, for telling me something I didn’t want to know, but needed to.  Of course the abuse towards little boys was equally as evil and is also acknowledged.

As a parent, and an Australian, it makes me sad and sick and everything in between.

If you wish, you can subscribe to the Anne Summer Report here.

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