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Womenomics 101: Why and How Women Mean Business! Earlybird offer on Avivah’s tour down under ending soon

Have you registered yet for the Avivah Wittenberg-Cox programs in Melbourne and Sydney?  If you are responsible for finding and keeping talented women in your organisation (and let’s face it – who of us isn’t?!) then you need to hear what Avivah – the global thought leader on gender balanced business – has to say.

Avivah will share her step by step guide to profiting from gender balanced business – the same process she’s used in organisations around the world including Bain & Company, BNP Paribas, Chanel, Boston Consulting Group, Cisco, Citi, Colgate Palmolive, Deloitte, Insead, hp, GE, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Nokia, Nestle, OECD, PwC, Xerox and more.

To find out more – and register at the special sphinxx Earlybird rate before 8th April – click here for more information. 


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