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Considering Taking Your Women’s Initiative To A New Region? Then don’t miss the Catalyst webinar on this topic this week – register here

For those of you who have developed a successful local program and are now looking to take it global, here’s a webinar you won’t want to miss.  Catalyst has put together a panel of experts to help you in tailoring a women’s initiative to fit within a local cultural context, which will be critical to the success of your new market. This webinar will touch on how to understand how the people, businesses, and cultures operating in the new geography, and how they differ from the “home” region. The session will also address important questions such as:

  • What government legislation, economic, and political forces are important to understand?
  • What cultural patterns of behavior, norms, belief and values should be considered and understood?
  • How might the local workplace culture be similar or different from other geographies, including that of the “home” region?

The webinar will also introduce the new Catalyst tool on building cultural awareness, and audience members will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion through a Q&A session.

Click here for more event details and here to register for the webinar.


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