With all those Apples and Blackberries dominating desks, you would think the Australian workplace is brimming with health. But in a wakeup call to employers, Fruit at Work’s latest National Workplace Health Survey revealed over 85% of Australian workers believe their workplace is unhealthy. “If we were consuming anything like the quantity of Apples and Blackberries we are using, our workplace would be a whole lot healthier and more productive,” commented Wendy Visontay, Founder of leading workplace fruit supplier Fruit at Work, which delivers fruit to over 4,000 workplaces a week nationally. “We were astounded that almost a third of workers questioned ate no fruit at all and 60% failed to identify how much fruit a day they should be eating for good health”.
“Our survey results place a clear onus on businesses to provide healthier environments,” continued Visontay. “79.5% of workers questioned want to be employed by a company with healthy workplace initiatives. The simple action of providing fruit at work goes a long way to showing staff their health and wellbeing is valued. For every $1 spent on workplace health, a business will yield $13, not a figure to be ignored in this economic climate”.
Wendy Visontay, together with her in-house nutritionist from Fruit at Work, has put together some Top Tips for healthier workplaces:
- What you can do if you’re the boss: Top Ten Tips for Providing a Healthier Workplace
- What you can do if you’re the employee: Top Ten Tips for Healthier Eating at Work
Contact Fruit at Work on 1300-857-776 www.fruitatwork.com.au