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A global snapshot on The World’s Women – landmark UN report shows some improvement in the status of women, but still a long way to go

Those of you interested in statistics and data will love this new UN
report released this week in New York on the state of play for women
around the globe.  It’s not a quick read – at 284 pages!!!! – but
includes a comprehensive review of that women and employment, health,
education and all things in between, along with a fantastic array of
graphs and tables that illustrate perfectly why we must remain focused
on gender equality, all over the word.  A snapshot of some of the report
highlights include data showing:

  • In today’s world there are 57 million more men than women –
    largely due to longer life expectancies of women: in all regions women
    live longer than men
  • Women still comprise 52% of the labour market and over the past
    two decades women have entered various traditionally male-dominated
    occupations, however they are still rarely employed in jobs with status,
    power and authority. On average only 17% of parliamentary seats around
    the world are held by women, and remain significantly underrepresented
    on corporate boards and executive roles: of the 500 largest corporations
    in the world only 13 have a female CEO.
  • There is a persistent pay gap everywhere and while the gender
    pay gap is closing slowing in some countries, it has remained unchanged
    in others.
  • There is progress “albeit slow and uneven” in the literary
    status of women and men however women still make up two-thirds of the
    world’s 774 million adult illiterates – a proportion which is unchanged
    over the past 2 decades.  The good news is that there have been positive
    global trends in primary enrollment particularly in developing
    nations.  Secondary enrollments while on the increase, continue to lag
    behind primary education.
  • In Europe the average at which women marry is 30, although in
    developing countries this is still below 20 years – and globally the
    fertility rate has declined to 2.5 births per woman
  • In spite of labour force changes, women continue to bear most of
    the responsibilities for the home, in caring for children and other
    dependents, preparing meals and completion of housework. When unpaid
    work is taken into account, women’s total work hours are longer than
    men’s in all regions – and this begins in childhood with girls more
    likely than boys to perform unpaid work in the household, and to perform
    more than boys.
  • In some parts of the world, women and girls are often more
    burdened by the poverty of their household and their than men and boys.  

Click here to access the full report.


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