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Do you have to be old to have good judgment? How to approach mentoring, advisors and decision making in your career.

“Old paired with young is a combination that often yields better judgment because it is at least one form of diversity introduced into a leader’s deliberations. But why stop there? The executive or manager who relies too much on a single or small group of advisors ignores the wider diversity of opinion that can shape a better decision.” What role are your mentors and advisors playing in your career management?

Mentoring is widely recognized as the make-or-break factor in careers, but is also a risky one – even the best mentoring relationships can come to poor conclusions. The same factors involved in how you approach mentoring are mirrored in how executives and influencers are selected and promoted in firms.

This article explores the myth of older=wiser and how executives can suffer from the echo chamber effect. The echo chamber effect can also jeopardize your decisions – do you only select or trust advisors with similar opinions and worldviews to your own?

“Wise men can be wrong, listen close and weigh all data.” And wise women can be wrong too! If you have an example of bad (or good) advice that didn’t work out for you, please share it below. Why didn’t the advice work for you? Were you surprised when it didn’t?


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