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EMPLOYERS: How are you preparing for the introduction of paid parental leave? Share your plans here and get a grip of the debate, the emerging opportunities and get your business ahead.

There is a lot of discussion happening about Paid Parental leave, as we roll towards January and our first national scheme.  I’ve been blogging fairly regularly about PPL and how businesses can prepare and benefit for it, but I also wanted to share this summary snippet from the Diversity Council of Australia’s debate about paid parental leave summary, hosted by Gilbert and Tobin that is especially relevant to employers:

Ann Sherry, CEO Carnival Australia said that employers recognize the productivity benefits to be gained from a PPL scheme but were wary of increased compliance costs and complexity of implementation. She expressed concern about the Opposition’s policy where larger businesses, which were already providing paid parental leave, would also be expected to cover the cost for those who weren’t. “

How are you preparing for the introduction of the paid parental leave scheme? How is your employer? Are you planning on utilising this opportunity to have a baby?


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