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Got EOFY budget left? Bookings now open for Ascend in August. Register now so you can use your professional development investment this tax year

It’s been a busy few weeks at sphinxx, locking in fantastic speakers for the August Ascend development days on the theme of Re-Energise You.  This quarter will focus on getting you in tip top shape to meet your goals and KPIs this year so you can get that payrise or promotion you deserve!  In the past 94.5% of participants have said they would recommend Ascend to other women… so what are you waiting for?

“I was at a big low, personally and professionally, when I came along and I was really starving for some perspective. I really needed this type of day and all the sessions really delivered for me on many different levels. You have kinda save me a bit – or helped me save myself which is probably better! So, thank you – to you, your staff and to your presenters. If there is a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women there should be rich and deep rewards for those that do.”

This week is probably the last chance you’ll have to include your Ascend registration payment in your business’s tax for 2010 as those books will be closing soon. If you haven’t already registered and are planning on attending this August – or November for that matter – now is an ideal time register.  Click here to see the full line up of speakers and to register for remaining Ascend development days in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney in 2010.


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