Obviously. If this FULL-PAGE ad on page 10 of the Australian Financial Review’s Weekend Edition is anything to go by, that is.
Clearly, the AFR does not imagine that Australia’s next CFO of the year will be a woman. Or Asian. They somehow know that this person is going to be a white man!
Give me a break! The majority of business, commerce and economics graduates are women. And have been for more than two decades.
Perhaps you’d like to voice your opinion directly to the Editor of AFR, as I have. I’m sure they’d love to hear from you! The email address is edletters@afr.com.au
Or if you’re the more compliant type, you might simply nominate one of the many female CFOs out there who are doing an awesome job.
Unless you’ve decided to ignore these awards altogether, that is, given the very narrow views of the judges implied in the ad.
Your thoughts?