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“The problem isn’t men, it’s women who sabotage each other” True? Do only bitches get ahead? Join me at the AIM “Great Debate” in Sydney and Canberra.

“Nice girls finish last”
“Women aren’t tough enough to compete in the upper ranks of the business world”
“Lets face it, women just don’t like each other”

I’m pretty sure that I’ve heard points like these more often then I hear about a woman getting an exec role in Australia!  But if you want to really discuss those “nice girls finish second” discussions that challenge nice and nasty career women, this is the event for you.

The Australian Institute of Management Great Debate – Nice Girls Finish Second is on in Canberra on the 2nd of July and Sydney on the 27th of August and it’s set to be a light-hearted and irreverent clash of the minds over fine wine and great food with some of Australia’s leading businesswomen (and a couple of men).

Hear from speakers such as Catherine Fox and Mia Freedman who will cut straight to the chase on some of the biggest issues facing women in management. It’s the 12th annual debate in Canberra and the inaugural debate in Sydney, the positions sell out fast, so make sure you book ASAP, and if you’re going, shoot me anemail.


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