Achieving good work-life balance isn’t easy, trust me I know! Not only can it involve hard decisions or conversations, shifting parts of your day around, waking up earlier to exercise or getting home earlier to have some non-exhausted night time, you’ll also have to keep reassessing.
But minimizing work-life conflict stress can be. And I found a basic list of stress relievers, just searching online. The good news is many of us can do breathing exercises (number 1) right now, or can meditate (number 2), exercise (number 6), have sex (number 8) or listen to music (number 9) today.
Read the full list here. If you’re unsure how to do progressive muscle relaxation, or what kind of music is best to listen to and how to use it in your day or a range of other barriers to doing any of these ideas, the list is linked to a range of other instructive pages.