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MEM breast screening – new technology screening without radiation or xrays

I think we’ve probably all been touched by breast cancer in some
way, through a friend, colleague or family member.  In my case my
beautiful aunt, Jude, survived breast cancer – so it’s often in the
back of my mind.  But how many of us have actually had breast
screening?  I know I haven’t.
Did you know
that nearly half of women 50-70 years of age don’t get the free
mammogram their entitled to; while many younger women who are worried
about getting breast cancer and are too young to qualify for
routine mammogram screening.  So I was interested to learn from sphinxx
friend Joanne Firth from Safe Breast Imaging that there is a new safe
and comfortable option for women of all ages to have a regular breast
check to monitor their breast health. Without radiation, because it’s
not an xray.
MEM electrical impedance breast
screening maps the electrical properties of the breast, providing
useful information on lumps, structure and early clues of possible
future risk.  So it may help with early detection of possible cancer
warning signs, and is certainly a welcome addition to the existing
suite of detection options.
If you’d like to find out more, visit or you can phone Joanne directly at Safe Breast Imaging on 1300 310 820.


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