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sphinxx is all about supporting women. Now it’s your turn to support a woman who desperately needs our help.

This is a special story for those of you who have had children, because you’ll probably still remember the name and face of your midwife. Imagine the following story happened to you or to her.

Debbie is a midwife in Darwin. She has been delivering babies for the women of her community for many years, supporting women on the most memorable days of their lives. As a mum, on call like so many others in the medical community, her life has been a constant juggling act.

Last week her house was burnt down in an arson attack. Her home has been destroyed and very few items are salvageable. But the truly heart breaking part of this story is that her son, eight year old Nicholas died in the fire. Debbie is at the Royal Adelaide hospital with extensive burns. Her older son Daniel has some injuries but is recovering well. This is a woman who has given her life to supporting women as they have their children, only to lose one of her own in a senseless attack.

When I heard this story in the news I couldn’t stop thinking about Debbie, the long road to recovery she now faces and the impossibility that life will ever be the same for her.  At the same time the project manager in me started thinking through the scenarios: Debbie has months of hospitalization ahead of her, in another state and city, and will obviously want to be surrounded by her remaining son and family.  This will all cost money.

Thousands of women get the sphinxx news alerts and read our blogs every week, and I’m calling on all of you to donate to support Debbie as she rebuilds her life, and struggles with the pain of losing her son.  Could you get together some girlfriends, or do a collection at work – maybe buy a jar of instant coffee and put your cappuccino money for the week into a collection jar for someone who needs it more?  Could you forward this message to a friend?  Could you make a contribution to someone who’s contributed to the lives of so many others?

Let’s help a woman whose life has been destroyed, let’s show her she’s not alone.

You can make your donation at any Westpac Branch to:

BSB: 035306

ACCOUNT #: 105972

REFERENCE: Debbie and Daniel Middis Fund

And if you have a great idea for a mini-fundraising campaign you can run with friends or co-workers, add it to the blog in the comments section.


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